Sunday, 9 December 2007

9 Dec 07 - Lyon Day 2 (Parc de la Tête D'or)

We got up really early that day as Letitia had wanted to visit the zoo at Le Parc de la Tête d'Or (the park of the golden head) - What a name! =D

This time round, the park looked quite different from when I last saw it during the immersion programme last year. It's much calmer during winter, the only people we saw were joggers making the most of the fresh early morning air.

We enjoyed soaking in the serenity of the still lake, the beauty of the azure sky, the chirping of the birds...

silly photos will always have their place with us =D

We headed back to Perrache, where we did a tour of the Christmas market there. The very upmarket pasar malam consisted of little make-shift stalls demarcated by little tents, which the merchants decorate in the most christmas-y fashion they could come up with. Jars of very pricey foie gras (easily 100SGD for a small jar-it's like eating gold), candies, wine and chocolate were the mainstays.

right: foie gras paste that PT and Nina bought for us to try. Contrary to what I imagined, I liked it!

With that, it was au revoir Lyon, mais à bientôt, j'espère!

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