After Eugene's success at the last sushi party, I decided that you couldn't really go wrong with sushi. Merci for the materials, Eugene! =)
left: before
right: after (voilà!)
the Singaporeans (Qinghan, Pei Ling, Kev, Andi and I) hard at work
As always, it was hilarious watching the non-Asians taste wasabi for the first time! At first, they'd be like, hmm it's no challenge, I can take it! Then in a matter of seconds, you see the scrunched up noses and teary eyes. Eg. Lucille below =)
Instead of the traditional birthday cake, we got Lucille une galette des rois (a puff-cake usually eaten during Epiphany). A fève, a small object, is buried within the galette and in modern-day France, whoever eats the slice containing the fève would be king for the day. He or she would wear a paper crown and get to pick his queen or her king by placing the small object into the wine glass of the chosen one. Traditionally, the one who finds the fève had to buy drinks for the others at the table. Hence the fève (at that time, it was a bean) was swallowed by some too stingy to treat their friends. Interessant huh.
left: although Lucille didn't locate the fève, (no one did! It was in the last piece of cake that no one took-what are the chances) she had the honour of being queen of the day.
right: Julia showing us the act of seduction hahaha
left: les filles de l'étage
we were trying to look sophisticated. haha we gotta try harder.
left: Lucille et moi
right: China man with paper crown presenting a packet of seaweed.
left: la fève, found!
Our late night activity was suggested by monsieur Andi. I must say it was a pretty ingenious idea which called for courage, thick skin and dance music. Initially, it was supposed to be a sabo for Lucille, who's really camera-shy but it gradually, everyone (even the guys) was pulled into it.
Lucille and Peiling strutting their stuff along the narrow corridors of Condillac.
The following is a video that I can't get enough off =D
Do not try this at home:
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