Wednesday, 6 February 2008

2 Jan 08 - Monaco

Monaco is the second smallest country after the Vatican but is the most densely populated one in the world. It is also home to one of the world's most renowned and challenging Grand Prix circuits! Conveniently located just a 40 minute bus ride or 15 minute train ride away from Nice, we decided to pay this country of unimaginable wealth a visit.

left: a sign prohibiting underdressed (literally) tourists
right: le Palais de Monaco (the Palace), Prince Albert II's official residence.

the path leading up to the palais
right: 'hold on, I think I see a hot chick!'

Port Hercule (Port of Hercules)

one of the many rows of souvenir shops selling almost the same items!
Formula 1 memorabilia, expectedly, was one of the staple articles on sale.

Fontveille, one of the 4 main districts in Monaco, reclaimed from the Mediterranean Sea in the 70s.
The Monaco flag, which curiously, is the same as the Indonesian flag!

above and left
: la Cathédrale de Monaco
they probably really adore the Beatles =D

a friendly seagull
: It's HIS paradise!

Xmas market

THE Monte Carlo casino!
fast cars, big money, that's Monaco! (thanks Kev for the photo!)

The Casino was the grandest I'd ever seen. The guests decked out in designer wear, chauffeured in Ferraris and Lambourghinis just added that extra tinge of prestige.

The Monaco train station
right: Dinner at Flunch, a restaurant chain, the closest I'd experienced to a buffet here. You pay for a main course of fish or meat and get a free flow of the side dishes like fries, pasta, salad, mashed potatoes etc.


tutu said...

So bad girl lah !!! Why do you think that i'm looking for hot chicks ? ;-)
No lah. I'm joking.

Really nice your posts about our Italy trip...

Tutu (hot chicks forever).

Unknown said...

Oei brudder! Saw you in the bus looking really hot and flustered! Hot as in perspiring all over... Andi, no excuse to "me donner un coup de poing"! Nice photos you have there; your skills have improved. :) I see that you're struggling to update your travel diary as well, hein? Haha! Bonne chance! :)

Kane said...

Hey, I love your photos of the seagull. The side view really captures his expression, and the spreading wings one was a nice shot, though could be framed in the centre for a better effect.

But they were much better than mine... : )

sinhui GOH said...

ahh merci les 2 photographeurs professionels! je suis très honorée!! =D